NIVEA BB (Blemish Balm) Cream with Minerals, Provitamin B5 and a hint of make-up provides all skin types in one simple step with a flawless complexion and an instantly healthy looking and beautiful skin in one simple step.
It comes in a plastic tube of 50 ml and has a valability of 12 months. It promises to: Cover imperfections such as blemishes, signs of fatigue, dark eye circles, reddish skin colour and fine lines. Illuminates complexion, boosting skin's natural glow. Provides light, fast absorbing moisture. Helps to protect the skin from sunlight induced environmental influences and premature ageing with SPF 10.
Instructions for use: Apply cream on cleansed face by gently massaging in small circles, avoiding the eye area. I use it with my beloved Sigma F80 kabuki brush.
It has a thicker consistency and it is quickly absorbed into the skin. It has the specific Nivea cream smell that I love, but if you're not into perfumed creams or this specific scent, this BB cream is not for you. It has a decent coverage for a BB cream, you can add another layer or use it as a base followed by a foundation for a medium/high coverage.
I usually wait a little to sink into the skin, then I proceed with my make-up. I have a combination skin so I have to powder no matter what base I'm wearing. With the powder and blush on, this BB cream stays onto the skin until the evening when I remove my make-up. And yes I get oily onto my forehead and chin, but this happens to me with almost all my foundations, except for Double Wear.
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After removing some of it, it was too much for my small test |
no make-up |
with BB cream and concealer on |
You can find it in shops or online here at the price of aprox. 19 ron/3 pounds.
If you want to find out more about the Nivea brand or the Nivea products I already reviewed you can read here and here.
All in all, Nivea BB Cream is a good product, it nourishes, it evens out the skin, it has a decent coverage, it has a 10 SPF protection (barely decent in the winter time but not enough for the summer) and all at a very good price range. And if you love the specific Nivea smell is even better! I give it the B grade - if you are looking for a good quality BB cream at a decent price you can try this one!
si eu incercat pe asta de la nivea si de la elmiplant chiar. dar toate sunt inchise pentru tenul meu.In rest nici un minus nu am gasit la ele.singurul care nu incercat e cel de la bourjois care e aproape de nuanta pielii mele.dar o sa il iau curand.pupici :*
Cu cel de la Garnier nu m-am inteles prea bine, am incercat acum unul de la Flormar si la prima impresie nu ne vom intelege, e prea inchis, plus ca e apos si nu are niciun pic de acoperire..mai incerc poate nu l-am aplicat cum trebuie, pana acum cel de la Nivea e favoritul, plus ca ador mirosul lui! Sunt curioasa sa vad cum sunt si cele asiatice, inca nu le-am incercat. Kisses!
RăspundețiȘtergereI love BB creams, but never tried this one. Will need to give it a go as it looks good :-)
RăspundețiȘtergereLaura | A Life With Frills
Yes. It has a pleasant smell, decent coverage and good price. It's worth trying! I wanted to post some pictures before and after but the light was bad. I'll try to update the post when I can get good pictures that show the difference.
RăspundețiȘtergereiubesc pensula aia, si eu o folosesc pentru fdt :)
RăspundețiȘtergereE minunata! Nu mai pot trai fara ea! Aplica atat de frumos si usor fondul de ten sau BB cream-ul, orice produs lichid. Chiar isi merita banii! Te mai astept pe blog. Kisses!
RăspundețiȘtergereEu am renunat la acest BB Cream pentru ca era pur si simplu portocaliu pe tenul meu :( Il mai folosesc pe cel de la Elmiplant, dar ma ustura ochii daca ajunge aproape de ei, la fel si la nivea.
RăspundețiȘtergereFoarte mult mi-au placut BB Creamul auriu si roz de la Skin79
Ce sa spun? Eu nu am avut nicio neplacere cu el, nu m-a iritat, nu mi-au usturat ochii, am variata noua care a fost lansata - varianta de light si mai deschis care mi se potriveste. Mie imi place sa il folosesc cand nu am chef de tot ritualul crema, fond de ten, etc. Este un BB bun pentru banii lui. Si eu mi-as dori sa incerc un BB asiatic, am auzit numai de bine dar vreau sa mai termin din produsele pe care le mai am. Kisses!