A room buzzing like a bee hive, full of beauty bloggers, endless lively conversations about the latest in cosmetics, make-up, clothing and many, many others. Just heaven for any girl who loves all things beauty. And the best thing was that we all came to play swapping with each other's beauty products. The tables were bursting with beauty products, waiting to be won. We negociated fiercely over each product, each of us wanting to get the best deal and to try the one product we didn't have the oportunity to try before.
Ana from Beautybarometer our lovely host kept the surprises coming by inviting several guests to tell us about their products (Adina Halas about the creation of her products, Ms. Pavlina Marinova CEO Pick N Dazzle, the girls from Vectem and Cosmetic Plant and of course Gina from the Startline Academy who came with a special offer for all the girls who wanted to start a make-up course).
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Ana our lovely host |
Time flew so quickly, it was such a fun night, full of laughter, joy, discussions about beauty, beauty bloggers old and new, passion and joie du vivre. Such joy!
thanks, Monica!!
RăspundețiȘtergereYou're very welcome! It was a great event!
ȘtergereFrumos eveniment <3
RăspundețiȘtergereYes indeed, we hope to repeat it soon. I had so much fun!
ȘtergereThis looks so much fun!
RăspundețiȘtergereLaura | A Life With Frills
Yes it was! A great way to swap all the new products we didn't like or didn't agree with us for new ones to try!! It was such a great success that we will repeat it soon! Come back to the blog for more!