miercuri, 6 mai 2015

Gerovital Sebum Control shampoo-treatment - review

You know I have oily, fragile, volume-lacking hair. Quite a gem! The worst of all is of course the oiliness. It gets so greasy looking after just one day since washing. I have to wash it every 2 or 3 days or use Batiste dry shampoo to make it look decent. So I'm always on the hunt for special shampoos or treatments to help me with this problem.

Today I will share with you my thoughts on Gerovital Sebum Control shampoo-treatment .
Oily hair represents a major problem for many people. Because of the excessive sebum secretion, the hair looks dirty all the time, untidy and tern. Therefore, taking care of oily hair is a daily task which not only takes time, but also special attention.
With a physiological pH, the shampoo ensures a mild hair degreasing. The shampoo recipe is based on Sebaryl – a complex obtained from advanced biotechnologies that regulate the activity of sebaceous glands, reducing excess sebum secretion.
Directions for use : Use systematically, shampoo twice, once every 4-5 days. When using the shampoo together with the Sebum Control Fluid, the appearance of oily hair is improved, and the frequency of washes caused by the “dirty” look reduced.
It comes in a 200 ml plastic bottle with a secure cap and has a valability of 12 months. 
I used it once a week combined with nivea-classic-care-shampoo . It has a slighly sweet, medicinal, artificial smell; I was not very fond of it but I was willing to try it as long as it worked. 
Unfortunately it didn't work for me; I didn't see any reduction of the oiliness in my hair; it didn't reduce the wash time. My hair looked the same as always. 
I didn't have any reactions to it like itching or dandruff.
You can see the ingredients below :
You can find it in stores at the price of aprox. 11,62 ron/ 3euros.
All in all, Gerovital Sebum Control shampoo-treatment did not work for me. It didn't make my hair worse or better. It has an affordable price, it cleaned well the hair but didn't reduce the oiliness so I give it the C grade. I'm still looking for the right shampoo for me. Until next time ,


  1. Ce sa zic , Monica? eu am avut o masca de par de la ei...si nu mi-a placut deloc. imi incalcea si mai tare parul, trebuia sa aplic din nou un balsam si spalat bine...altfel ma simteam ca si cum nu m-as fi spalat pe cap....am mai incercat odata....si daca am vazut ca pierd timpul cu el..l-am aruncat. That's it :D

  2. da, nu m-a impresionat deloc..inca caut samponul perfect pentru mine

  3. Sunt la a doua sticluta. Eu am reusit sa imi maresc perioada de spalare cu o zi (inainte miercuri era urgent sa ma spal pe cap, acum ma pot spala foarte usor si joi seara. Abia atunci incepe sa se ingrase) Cel mai mare punct slab pe care il are samponul in cazul meu este ca imi provoaca aparitia cosurilor la marginea parului...cosuri mari, pline de puroi si dureroaaasee. Ma gandesc sa renunt la el.

    1. Nu am mai avut rabdare sa mai continui si cu a 2-a sticluta.. spre final am observat ca tindea sa se ingrase si mai tare..mi-a fost frica sa continui sa nu mi-l dea peste cap .. Tot mai caut samponul potrivit pentru mine.


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