sâmbătă, 27 iunie 2015

Beauty news from Inglot

Last evening I had the pleasure to attend the launch of Inglot's latest releases : 5 new matte lipstick shades and the new AMC brow liner gels. It was a night of adventure, colour and fun into an exciting land of beauty and make-up.
Let me give you some information on the new releases :
AMC brow liner gel (2 gr.) is a perfect product to fill the eyebrows, emphasize their colour and give a distinct contour. The waterproof formula, enriched with nourishing ceramides, ensures a long lasting effect of full and defined brows. Moreover, it smoothes and shapes the eyebrows.This product with high payoff allows getting the desired effect of either naturally filled or dramatically accentuated eyebrows. The wide colour range allows choosing a colour match for every type of beauty. The product is hypoallergenic. Price - 57 ron

The perfect opaque super matte lipstick  (4.5 gr.) for any occasion. Vitamin E, macadamia oil, and avocado oil moisturize and nourish the lips. Long lasting formula provides the ideal matte, smooth, even finish. Price - 49 ron
I was really intrigued by the new brow liner gels so I got my eyebrows done with no. 16 shade.
photo by Adela Manolache
It was a very pleasant night spent in a fascinating universe of beauty. My Inglot wishlist only got bigger after this launch, I want almost all the new matte lipstick shades, the brow liner gel, another batch of eye shadows, a few more blushes and on the top of my list the newest pallette : the Freedom System Flexi Palette. It's already out of stock of course, but it will be mine ! 
Tell me Do you own any Inglot products ? What are your favourites ? Until next time ,


  1. Ce ne-am sincronizat cu postările. :))
    Îți stătea foarte bine cu sprâncenele conturate cu noul gel, eu am cam rămas cu gândul la el.

    1. Da, am fost la fel de inspirate. Multumesc, nu prea sunt obisnuita cu un asemenea contur, dar gelul a rezistat foarte bine toata seara. Asta a fost scopul meu sa il testez inainte sa il cumpar. Oricum voi reveni, iubesc toate nuantele noi mate de ruj! Parca vad ca dau iama in ele ..

  2. This fashion blog is indeed good for getting the fashion information about buy lipstick online. Even I have some awesome collection at Majorbrands.

    1. Yes, this is one of the aims of this beauty blog: to give the readers information on the latest releases from brands or the latest trends in beauty, care, make-up and many others. So you, the readers can make the right choices for you. Thanks for visiting the blog, come back again!


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